Drama /
Liked It:187942 vote /
Brief:In 1980s Italy, romance blossoms between a seventeen-year-old student and the older man hired as his father's research assistant /
directors:Luca Guadagnino /
Cast:Armie Hammer /
I love names. I grew up with one
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I love that Armie said The movie show, No one paid to being gay, no punishment, nobody get sick, nobody has a wife that they need to tell or family drama that great, most of LGBT movie always show all of that problem, but this movie show pure love.
1:33:10 when you have captions on and you know that guy was blind that wouldn't look them in the eyes.
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Download free call me by your name chords. Chris, thanks for a review! I love this movie so much ❤️ It literally hurts me on all possible levels and it is so incredibly beautiful ✨. Call me by your name pdf download free. They're so matching haha. The obstacles are themselves and their insecurities. It's an interior conflict of course, but it's a conflict. Somehow, I love people who read their speeches out of paper. There is some kind of sweetness in the preparedness of their nature. Its beautiful. And Timothèe cried. Ah, that is beautiful too. I dont regret getting this for a moment and the sound effects are very realistic.
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Because there's no one else I can say this to but you. This makes so much sense after reading the book. I remember just trying to understand everything Elio thought when there was silence in the movie, but now that I've read the book, every little silence in the movie makes sense. It's full of thoughts, of repressed emotions. It has a flavor of its own.
The elio elio elio elio oliver. i remember everything has me in tears everytime
OME DID NO ONE SEE 11:20. OK I know there both straight but I mean come on there has to been some feelings for eachother after doing a movie like this. Like they had to spend so much time together on and off, especially since they were almost the only people who spoke english. And I know its not as romantic as shown because of all the people and cameras but this wasn't a set like others. I mean you don't just look at someone like that and u see he turns away super fast as realizing hes gazing at him! 1. I actually really enjoyed the lack of obstacles in the film. That way, more of the focus is given to the subtle dynamics between the characters throughout. Had there been some great hardship for them to face, it would have forced the kind of drama this film very much tries to avoid. It is slow, but in that patient pace comes an amazing amount of genuine emotion, pure and not over-dramatised. Enjoyed the review, thanks.
Ouch ouch ouch ouch my heart i feel his pain.
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Those neck kisses get me every time.
This scene is so heartbreaking. It hurts every time oh my goodness. The whole atmosphere of this scene is just mesmerizing! While Elio leaves you can see Olivers internal struggle just before he jumps on his bike. And the beautiful music every time they are apart, so beautifully done! Cant get enough of this movie, dammit.
About not knowing enough about Oliver, that's because it's dealt exactly like that in the book. But honestly, the fact that there are no obstacles in the way of the character's journey is what makes me love this movie so much. It's as the director called it A pure celebration of love. It's rare to find a movie that takes its time like that without antagonists or melodrama. It's real and genuine. This movie is craft. A. imho. Download free call me by your name book. The only film I have ever watched where I long for more and more. It simply wont let you go, and I am happy about that. It is beautiful in every way possible.
This whole scene is so heartbreaking. the way he says i miss you just tugs at my heart strings. Download free call me by your name youtube. Download Free Call Me by Your name change. Do you mind? Oliver didn't call just to give the news. He wanted to be stopped. And I think of that line in the book where Elio regrets. I should, could, have seized him. A movie legend is finally recognized. I started to cream in my knickers as soon as Ive heard the heartbreaking instrumental. Excellent! Timothy Chalamet is so perfect in his acting like an awkward teen. Breathtaking face and body language. Just like the old stars like Greta Garbo in silent movies that acted with their eyes and faces. This kid is amazing. I saw him in the lobby of the hotel I work for before he was nominated, before he became really known. He's very playful and real.
First of all, I want to say "Call Me By Your Name" is absolutely one of the best film in 2017. The story is about a 17-year-old boy fell in love with a 23-year-old student. The screenplay writer and the director are genius. They tell the story in a romantic way that won't make you feel uncomfortable.
Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer, aka Elio and Oliver, did a great job in this film. They acted so great that you'll probably forget both of them are heterosexual. The way they talk and get along together is full of love naturally. The last scene is heart-breaking.
Last but not the least, the background music and the theme song "Mystery Of Love" is awesome as well.
Call me by your name download free. There's a part in the book just a few days after this confession and their first kiss when Elio kept trying to break the silence between them, Oliver asked Elio: Do you really like me that much, Elio? to which the champion of love, Elio replied: Do I like you? Oliver, I worship you. mic drop.
ELIO ELIO ELIO ELIO I died when at the end of elio speaking his name like a whisper bcoz of his longing for Oliver, HOW CAN U GET OVER FROM A DREAM 😭😭😭.
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I saw the movie on the Zurich FIlm Festival. It is such a awsome movie. Hammer is really good but Chalamet's performance is just stunning. I'm looking forward to see it again.
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This is one the one with harry styles in.
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